Atheist Stuff

I watch a lot of Pat Condell videos on Youtube. Here is is latest one and it's a cracker! I used to watch a lot of the Amazing Atheist but he was always spewing saliva and ranting about shit I don't care about like Kiss and D&D, if memory serves. Sometimes Condell comes off all UK and stuff and I can't relate but this one made me snicker I also liked a Sam Harris video from a conference down in Australia. It's long but (as I said on FB) worth a look. Lastly, speaking of Sam Harris, I liked this essay which I read today: This stuff helps me get to sleep because my freakish fundamentalist upbringing sometimes returns to mind when I'm trying to fall asleep. What an abusive thing to teach kids such bullshit and lies. Sure glad I got out when I did and didn't fuck my kids heads with religious madness.


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