Running - First part of 2013

I've been running for a few years now, maybe 5 or 6 years. I can't remember for sure. Maybe closer to 7 years. I know I ramped it up at the start when I stopped walking for exercise and started the "Couch to 5K" program with my wife. That led to me running more and more until I could go 3 miles per run. I don't like to stop and walk when I run, that's always been my way. I pushed myself for the first few years until I got to the 3 mile mark and then I was satisfied I had a respectable distance. I have tried to go faster but never really tried to mark much progress with that. Late last year I got inspired by my step daughter (who ran a half marathon) to see if I could go farther so I clocked in an hour run and went 6 miles. I tracked that using the Nike+ phone ap. This last xmas my wife gave me this year at a glance poster so I decided I'd make an entry for every time I ran. I put in the mileage and then added "O" for outside runs and "I" for treadmill runs (inside). Now the year is half gone and I see that I've run 386 miles. I also tracked my weight on the calendar because I noticed over xmas that I'd packed on a bunch of pounds. I started at 206 and got down to 194 by March 10th. I did that by severely regulating my candy and snack intake and eliminating anything but dry lowfat cereal after dinner most days. I'm pretty happy to look at this chart which is on my bedroom wall. I notice that two weeks I ran 6 times in the week. Also, I have added a pretty consistent routine of getting in a 5 mile run on the weekend. I was running these with my Nike+ but I sort of hurt myself one time trying to maintain a sub-nine minute mile pace. That's because the ap keeps coming on each mile through my headphones and telling me all about my pace. I decided it was enough to just run the 5 and not kick myself to go a certain pace too. I love running now and really miss it the days I'm sick or can't get out for some reason. I was sick for a long spell in April. I will keep running until my body gives out I suppose, but I'm not really attracted to marathons and public events. At least not for now. I also ran twice on the quarter mile track at Rockville High School. I think the best time I did there was an 8 minute flat mile. I am proud to see that I ran outside in January and February 33 times.


a little sewing said…
Oh my you are so amazing! Your wife is one lucky woman!

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