
What happened to my Christianity

Tonight I was watching a video of James Loftus being interviewed on the Youtube channel TheThinkingAtheist. They were discussing how people get into religion and most are born into it, just like I was. Some are brought into it by a significant other. And folks stay in it because they like the community they're a part of. But to get out of it they agreed usually takes some kind of crisis based in that community which may involve shutting you out of the clique and this can shake up your faith enough to end it. And some others just reason their way out of faith. That got me thinking about my own end of faith. I thought I'd crank up this old blog and see if I could get the memories to flow and explain it to my own satisfaction. As I've looked back I have always thought (and said) that it was more of a reasoning method that got me off the Christianity train, but hearing this discussion sort of made me think that the crisis approach was involved as well. I was in the N...

Running - First part of 2013

I've been running for a few years now, maybe 5 or 6 years. I can't remember for sure. Maybe closer to 7 years. I know I ramped it up at the start when I stopped walking for exercise and started the "Couch to 5K" program with my wife. That led to me running more and more until I could go 3 miles per run. I don't like to stop and walk when I run, that's always been my way. I pushed myself for the first few years until I got to the 3 mile mark and then I was satisfied I had a respectable distance. I have tried to go faster but never really tried to mark much progress with that. Late last year I got inspired by my step daughter (who ran a half marathon) to see if I could go farther so I clocked in an hour run and went 6 miles. I tracked that using the Nike+ phone ap. This last xmas my wife gave me this year at a glance poster so I decided I'd make an entry for every time I ran. I put in the mileage and then added "O" for outside runs and...

My other work related youtube video story

Well it's been a while since I blogged or looked at this blog but I recently did a blog comment on Yeoman's Watch blog and to get it posted I had to list some personal data (email, name, etc.) and one category was "website". So I listed this blog and then came here and then decided to write a post. So a while back we had a chili cookoff at work. I often avoid work related shit, especially the company parties at xmas. This one I figured I would participate though, because I make good chili and have for years. At least I like it. I make it for my own tastes. It's based on a recipe from the Washington Post food section now long lost that I've mutated over the years. That recipe had the unlikely name of "Texas Democrat Chili" and I think it was featured back when Clinton was first elected. That I'm not sure about. Anyway google it and tell me what you find in a comment below. So the recipe is summarized a little farther down. I had decid...

Archie On The Stairs

Songs that make me cry

Certain songs can make me cry. Like a baby. Usually when I'm alone. Especially when I'm fatigued or feeling sentimental. I don't know what else to do with songs like this but keep track of them somewhere. This must be the place. The song below has always been good for a few ounces from the ol' waterworks:

Atheist Stuff

I watch a lot of Pat Condell videos on Youtube. Here is is latest one and it's a cracker! I used to watch a lot of the Amazing Atheist but he was always spewing saliva and ranting about shit I don't care about like Kiss and D&D, if memory serves. Sometimes Condell comes off all UK and stuff and I can't relate but this one made me snicker I also liked a Sam Harris video from a conference down in Australia. It's long but (as I said on FB) worth a look. Lastly, speaking of Sam Harris, I liked this essay which I read today: This stuff helps me get to sleep because my freakish fundamentalist upbringing sometimes returns to mind when I'm trying to fall asleep. What an abusive thing to teach kids such bullshit and lies. Sure glad I got out when I did and didn't fuck my kids heads with religious madness.

The story of my Theme Song

Well I wanted to get down here the true story about how I came to make a certain youtube video. A couple weeks back my brother in law and his son came up to see us from North Cacalacky. (I love saying that and I know it's probably lame to say, like I always thought folks from SF hated it when people said "Frisco"). Anyway, we had us a great time and they stayed overnight in our basement. We went out for dinner to a BBQ joint called Urban BBQ which is pretty good. I've made better ribs though, true fact. As it happened we ended up eating quite late into the evening. Later on I gave my nephew Nick a Seiko I've been wanting to get rid of but not doing because it's only going to raise ~$80 or so and the hassle is too great. Here's a photo of that: Yeah, that is one orange mother but it's also got the oem bracelet to swap on which tones it down and I think Nick was pretty jazzed, specially when he saw the display back and stuff. So in the end ...