This is the first post for my brand new blog. I didn't really want to have a blog but I thought I had to create one in order to see somebody else's. I guess I could have figured that out first. I selected the name The Wicked Messenger after an obscure Dylan song. It's available here . Maybe I'll never post again. I like the freedom to say that.
I've been running for a few years now, maybe 5 or 6 years. I can't remember for sure. Maybe closer to 7 years. I know I ramped it up at the start when I stopped walking for exercise and started the "Couch to 5K" program with my wife. That led to me running more and more until I could go 3 miles per run. I don't like to stop and walk when I run, that's always been my way. I pushed myself for the first few years until I got to the 3 mile mark and then I was satisfied I had a respectable distance. I have tried to go faster but never really tried to mark much progress with that. Late last year I got inspired by my step daughter (who ran a half marathon) to see if I could go farther so I clocked in an hour run and went 6 miles. I tracked that using the Nike+ phone ap. This last xmas my wife gave me this year at a glance poster so I decided I'd make an entry for every time I ran. I put in the mileage and then added "O" for outside runs and...
Well I wanted to get down here the true story about how I came to make a certain youtube video. A couple weeks back my brother in law and his son came up to see us from North Cacalacky. (I love saying that and I know it's probably lame to say, like I always thought folks from SF hated it when people said "Frisco"). Anyway, we had us a great time and they stayed overnight in our basement. We went out for dinner to a BBQ joint called Urban BBQ which is pretty good. I've made better ribs though, true fact. As it happened we ended up eating quite late into the evening. Later on I gave my nephew Nick a Seiko I've been wanting to get rid of but not doing because it's only going to raise ~$80 or so and the hassle is too great. Here's a photo of that: Yeah, that is one orange mother but it's also got the oem bracelet to swap on which tones it down and I think Nick was pretty jazzed, specially when he saw the display back and stuff. So in the end ...